Scelene Hernandez art therapy teacher


Clinical Psychologist and Individual and Couples Psychotherapist with a Jungian Orientation. Holder of a Master’s in Jungian Analytical Psychology and a Master’s in Dance Movement Therapy. Associated Member of the International Society for the Development of Jungian Psychoanalysis (SIDPAJ) and a registered full member of ADMTE (Association for the Development of Expressive and Artistic Therapies).

She has received training in Art Therapy and Therapeutic Photography. Currently undergoing training in Somatic Experiencing and researching the significance of the body in Psychotherapy. Trained in Authentic Movement and a Practitioner of Authentic Movement with her peer group.

Since 2002, she has been dedicated to private practice, currently providing support to adults and couples. This work is complemented by supervising clinical cases and teaching. Additionally, she conducts workshops and seminars in Mexico and Barcelona, either individually or in collaboration with institutions and non-governmental organizations.