Sybille Cseri art therapy teacher


I am based in Barcelona, Spain and have been a practising art psychotherapist for the last 20+ years, working foremost with children and adolescents, while having specialized in the field of early infant trauma, attachment disorders and mental health. Currently I am also working in a mental health clinic with adults as well as at a paliative care unit at a hospital for cancer patients. I am a lecturer and supervisor at Metáfora as well at the Art Therapy Master’s programme in Berlin, Germany. I am a frequent international guest lecturer and speaker at conferences, as well as an active voice for the development of the art therapy profession within Spain and Europe. I am co-founder and registered member of the Spanish Art Therapy Association (ATE), of the Spanish Federation of Art Therpists (FEAPA) and have also recently co-founded the European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT), where I am member of its research group.

Book Chapter: “When the boat doesn´t dare to set sail: Working with trust issues in children” in Imagining Windmills: Trust, Truth and the Unknown in the Arts Therapies”. Edited by M. Cao, R. Hougham, S. Scoble. Publisher: Routledge, London & New York, 2022.

“Art Therapy Supervision: A visual exploration of clinical practice” Newsletter of Indian Academy of Professional Supervisors December 2021, Vol. 3, Issue 3

“Tejiendo vínculos a través del arte” (“Weaving ties through art”) Authors: Sibylle Cseri, Anais Vidal, Esther Grau Journal for Spanish Group Psychoanalysis