Pili Iglesias art therapy teacher


I am an Art Therapist (Master’s and Postgraduate from Metàfora-Barcelona), Mindfulness instructor (Mindful Teaching Academy), and licensed architect (UPC-Barcelona). I specialize in perinatal psychology (IESMP-Madrid), migration processes, education, and trauma reprocessing. I accompany personal and group therapeutic processes both in private practice and in collaboration with educational centers and other entities. I also provide training and workshops to expand the benefits of art for emotional health among education professionals.

Professional Experience:
– ConecARTE project, art therapist & director Barcelona / Sant Cugat / online – since 2020
– Accompaniments through art therapy: childhood, adolescence, adults, motherhood, and families in private practice since 2020 (27 people accompanied or in process)
– Creative Mums groups (art therapy & emotional regulation practices with a perinatal perspective) since 2020 (20 people)
– Online program for emotional regulation through art, for adults since 2023
– Workshops and groups in collaboration with the Anhel association (perinatal grief) – over 50 people
– Training in Art & Emotional Health for education professionals recognized by the Dep. d’Educació de la Generalitat, with Desig d’Aprendre, 2023
– Workshops in Art Therapy & Mindfulness for education professionals at the EMB La Mimosa school, Profes Papel Tijera, Fundación CdM, and online (+260 people)
– Family workshops at the EMB La Mimosa, La Salle-Gràcia, CdM School, Ehiä, Studio Abierto, and L’hivernacle. (+60 people)
– Art therapy groups at the Carme Aymerich-FASI Children’s House, art therapy and migration groups at the Mescladís Foundation, and Art Therapy & Mindfulness groups with adolescents at the Ehiä center.
– Mindfulness training with adolescents at the CdM school, Ehiä, and online
– Psychoeducational coordination with schools and advisory services to educational centers.
– Tutor, coordinator, and Diversity Care Coordinator at Cor de Maria Sabastida- Nou Barris (Barcelona) | 2010 – 2019
– Tutor 1st and 3rd ESO
– Co-director of the Open Center, coordinator of the Diversity Care team, and monitoring of cases in the social commission, CSMIJ, health tables, etc.
– Cycle coordinator in interdisciplinary project work, VIP specialist, and mathematics.
– Promoter of prevention projects in at-risk adolescence: “Okupa’t,” “CorDFlow,” and “XIC, Knowledge Exchange Network.”
– Quarterly workshops “Art & Mindfulness” 3rd ESO and complementary art 5th-6th P.
– Mindfulness training 1st-2nd ESO and workshops with families AFA

– Postgraduate and Master in Art Therapy, Metàfora Center, Barcelona, 2016-2019
– Mindfulness Instructor, Academy for Mindful Teaching, 2018
– Perinatal Psychology, European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health directed by Ibone Olza, 2022
– Art Therapy Supervisors Training, with Montse Montané- ATE, 2023 (in progress)
– Somatic Experiencing introductory, with Eliane Pinto, 2023
– Restorative Breathing & Somatic Practices with Elsa Bonafonte, 2023
– Emotional Trauma with Mario Salvador, F. Radika & Aleces, 2022
– Art Therapy and Trauma with Cathy Malchiodi, 2019
– MBSR (Mindful Based Stress Reduction), ESMindfulness Institute, 2016
– Drawing & Dance “Blue training & Pink training” Segni Mossi, F. Tàpies, 2021 and 2024
– Training “Comunitats que eduquen,” Jaume Bofill Foundation, 2018
– ART Thinking with Invisible Pedagogies-Madrid, 2017
– Introduction to Child Sexual Abuse, Vicky Bernadet Foundation, 2016
– Introduction to Montessori pedagogy, Institute of Childhood and AME, 2016
– Yoga, relaxation, and silence in school, Institute of Childhood, 2016
– Entrepreneurship in ESO, FECC, 2015
– Tools to Improve Physical and Emotional State Rosa Sensat, 2012
– Attendance at conferences on pedagogy, mental health, and social action.
– Bachelor’s degree in Architecture, UPC-Barcelona, 2008
– Teaching Certificate, UPC-Barcelona, 2007

Accreditations and Collaborations:
– Member of the professional association of art therapists ATE, member number 190.
– Member of the official network of Mindfulness instructors AMT-method Eline Snel.
– Co-founder of the ArteterapiaLab collective.
– Collaborator of the Espai Mama working group in Sant Cugat.
– Co-creator of the Emotional Well-being commission at Ferran i Clua school.

• Ponencia «Creative Mums: el arteterapia y el mindfulness como herramientas generadoras de salud y bienestar emocional» III Jornadas de psicología perinatal. Instituto Europeo de Salud Mental Perinatal, 2022.
• Ponencia «El Duelo Perinatal a través del cuerpo, el movimiento y la experimentación creativa” con Marta Cabasa, Cristina Salvia y Nina Uyà, Colegio de psicólogos de Cataluña, 2022.
• Proyecto “Okupa’t” seleccionado como buenas prácticas, I Jornada “Educación 360º”, Fundació Jaume Bofill, 2018.