Oriol Teixedor art therapy teacher


Architect graduated from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-ETSAV 2000). Self-taught training in plastic arts. Regularly participates in individual and group exhibitions. His work is part of art collections in Spain, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany, Morocco, England, Portugal, Austria, Argentina, and the United Arab Emirates. Awarded the Kreas Grant from the City Council of Girona (2021), Prize in the International Competition Anchipurac esCultura, San Juan – Argentina (2018), Cal Massó Prize-Bursary for Contemporary Art – Reus (2008), 1st Prize in the Biennial Painting Contest of the Government of Catalonia (2004), 1st International Prize of the Circle of Fine Arts of Lleida (2003), 1st Prize in the Jaurena Art Painting Contest (2003), Prize for Young Painting Sala Parés (2002).

Invited Resident Artist by various national and international museums: CACiS Forn de la Calç Museum, Microscopies Festival – Manresa (2022), Artist in Residence at Tragant Camp for the Natures’21 Festival (2021), Werkhuis Maastricht Noordoost, Netherlands (2017), Stichting Grafische Atelier, Netherlands (2017), Cal Gras Residència d’Artistes Avinyó (2016), Molí Paperer Museum of Capellades (2016), Escola de Ceràmica I Centre d’Artesania de La Bisbal, La Bisbal d’Empordà (2015), IFITRY- Contemporary Art Center Artist Residency, Essaouira, Morocco (2014).

Speaker at the University of Manresa, the Spirituality Forum of Logroño – University Popular of La Rioja, the Cultural Center of Terrassa, Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, Escola Massana Centre d’Art i Disseny, as well as in several libraries and educational centers. Teacher at the International Center Metàfora Studio Arts (2013-…), Escola Massana (2021), Escola Municipal d’Art – Centre Jujol Can Negre de Sant Joan Despí (2015-2018), Escola de Ceràmica de La Bisbal (2011-2015), and has organized workshops on multiple occasions as part of the exhibition programs of various museums, educational centers, and art galleries within and outside the country. Advisor for artistic projects for international artists. His testimony has been published in the books ‘Espirituals sense religió’ (Fragmenta, 2015) and ‘La experiencia contemplativa’ (Kairós, 2017).