Egle Casagrande art therapy teacher


Art Therapist from the University of Barcelona, with a focus on Psychotherapeutic Applications through Art at Metàfora in 2009. Psychotherapist trained at ACPP in 2023. Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from the National University of the Arts in 1995. President of ATe from 2017 to 2023. Full member of ATe, the Spanish Professional Association of Art Therapists. Teacher and Supervisor of art therapy at Metàfora since 2014 to the present. Specializes in working with individuals with eating disorders, diverse sexual orientations and gender identities within the LGBTIQA+ community, gender-based violence survivors, and adult groups with Parkinson’s and parkinsonism. Also practices privately with adults and young individuals since 2010.

Participación en la mesa “Un lienzo onírico: Dialogando sobre la creatividad en torno a la obra de Rita Domènech”. ACPP, 2023

Participación como ponente en la mesa redonda “Filosofía y creación. La práctica artística como práctica de reflexión y cuidado en la sociedad actual + El papel de arteterapia en la crisis social por el Covid 19”. IV Congreso Nacional de Arteterapia FEAPA. 2021.

Y de pronto me sorprendió la sonrisa. Estudio de caso en disminución psíquica con personas adultas, Junio 2009. TFM.