Anna Vivo art therapy teacher


Bachelor’s degree in Art History from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Master’s in Art Therapy from the University of Barcelona and Metàfora. Training in Role Play with Kamen Petrov. Seminars on supervision and Art Therapy using the EDPP method with Abbe Miller, supervision seminar with Val Huet, mentalization seminars with Carles Ramos and Neil Springham. Course on Online Resources and Psychotherapy with Raúl Vaimberg.

Professional experience as an art therapist includes leading groups and individual cases in oncology and geriatrics, providing support to women during the maternal period, and working with children and adolescents through Art Therapy. Engaged in interventions in various institutions such as “Oncolliga Granollers y Terrassa,” “Icass, geriatric residence in Santa Coloma de Gramanet.” Involved in school-based interventions.

Currently practicing in private consultations at the Aleces Trauma Institute in St. Cugat and in Barcelona, specifically in the St. Gervasi neighborhood.